How to Select and Hire an External Expert Consultant

Woman looks at the computer screen of the woman beside her

While there are a few reasons why you may hire an external consultant, the end result should always be the same — the successful completion of a project. Whether you hire a consultant to manage an overwhelming company task list or simply to offer your team a fresh, unbiased opinion, outsourcing talent is often an invaluable business practice.

If you’re in the market for a consultant, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you find the perfect fit. Ready to hire? Here’s some helpful advice to help you select and hire an external expert consultant for your company.

What is an external consultant?

Woman looks at the computer screen of the woman beside her

The term “external consultant” is used to describe a professional, in any field, that offers independent consulting services to clients. The main purpose of an external consultant is to provide expertise to your company that would otherwise be difficult to obtain in-house. Even if you or your staff are capable of completing certain tasks, outsourcing is a great way to redistribute task load without sacrificing the quality of the outcome or overworking yourself or your team.

How can you find an external consultant?

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The first step towards hiring a consultant is finding one. There are more than a few ways that you can locate a consultant, but each comes with its own set of considerations. Let’s do a quick breakdown of some of the most popular methods for discovering consultants.

Search engines

One of the most common methods for searching for a consultant is the use of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. Using this method is relatively simple, but you’ll need to know what to search for to find useful results. Instead of using vague keywords like “VBA consulting” or “Excel consultant”, you should aim for a more specific search term, such as “Excel consultant for hire in Washington, DC”. With the addition of the word “hire” and the location you intend to hire in, you can return results that are more precise to your needs. 


Hiring via a platform is a great way to locate a variety of qualified consultants in one location. Platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Catalant allow independent consultants to create profiles, complete projects, and amass client reviews. These profiles and reviews can make it easier for you to locate verifiably talented professionals. You’ll likely have to create a profile on your platform of choice and, often, this comes with attached client account fees that you may not have catered for. But, if you’re in a rush or prefer the security of using an established website, platforms are a wonderful place to begin your search. 

Social media 

Social media is full of talented professionals looking for their next client. Websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can be very useful in helping you connect with these potential candidates in a more casual way. You can use your personal or company social media to create a job posting (like on Facebook or LinkedIn) or make a public post to see what hiring suggestions your connections may have. 


Sourcing an external consultant from your network is one of the more personal methods but is also often more secure than other options. Since the suggestions for potential hires come directly from those you know, like mentors and close connections, it’s more likely that the person you hire will live up to your expectations. A referral from someone within your circle can be more reliable than hiring a complete stranger.

Tips and tricks for selecting the right external consultant

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Ultimately, whether you source someone through a platform or your network, you should be keeping an eye out for qualities that indicate a consultant will be of benefit to your project. 

Here are a few considerations you should keep in mind when on the journey towards selecting the right external consultant. 

Consider the project’s longevity

Before you begin your consultant search, you should have a detailed scope of work for your project. If you’d like some help creating a solid project scope, you can head over to my “How to create a good project scope” article for a quick guideline. Your project scope will help you determine the longevity of your project, which is essential in hiring a consultant. A major consideration in hiring a consultant is how long you’ll need them for. Will they need to be available for a few days, a few weeks, or a few months? This information will be one of the main factors in your search. 

Think about the consultant’s success rate and experience

Since you’ll be hiring a consultant with the intention of your project being completed successfully, their success rate is integral to whether or not you hire them. While not every type of consultant will have measurable rates of success, you should inquire as to what confirmation they can provide to showcase their proficiency. This may include project completion reports, published statistics from past clients, or other metric-related documentation. Experience can also be a consideration, but this will largely depend on whether you prefer a consultant with both notable success and experience or if a successful track record is enough. 

Be sure to check references and reviews 

References can be helpful in highlighting the work ethic, skill level, strengths, and weaknesses of a potential consultant. Checking in with previous clients isn’t always foolproof though. References can be faked and, in some cases, a previous employer may paint a negative picture of an otherwise excellent candidate. You can use references to help guide your decision but beware of misleading information. 

Much in the same way that references can be used for guidance, reviews can also be critical. And, similarly, every review that you read should be read with caution. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for a small sample size of reviews, whether these be good or bad. If 100% of the reviews are nothing but glowing praise, you should tread lightly. And, of course, if the majority of the reviews are poor, you should move forward in your search for another consultant. 

Dive deep into security and privacy verification 

A major aspect of finding a consultant is ensuring that the person you’re hiring is trustworthy. Although not always necessary, it’s advisable to run a quick background check on your consultant before you turn over any sensitive information. While a criminal history is not definitively a sign of insincerity, a background check may help you assess whether a consultant has a record of fraudulent or deceptive behavior. 

In this same vein, you’re advised to only employ consultants that are comfortable signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). These agreements make it unlawful for the consultant to reveal information about your company and project, either for the duration of the project or in perpetuity. If a potential consultant refuses to sign an NDA, it may be best to continue your search elsewhere. 

Assess their tech knowledge

In the age that we live in, having a basic grasp of technology is a necessity in most fields. If you’ll be hiring a consultant that needs more than an entry-level understanding of technology, you’ll need to do your due diligence to ensure that they possess the skillset that you require. However, not every role will require that your consultant is technically knowledgeable. If you’re comfortable communicating only via telephone or text message, you may be able to get away with a consultant that’s a bit more old-school. But, if your company uses primarily email and/or message boards like Slack and Asana for communication, a tech-savvy consultant is your best bet. 

Double-check their skillset

Not all professionals in an industry will have the same experience or learned or natural skills. You don’t want to make the mistake of hiring someone that is talented but that doesn’t possess the abilities you’re looking for. You should make it clear in your communication with any consultant candidates what skills they are required to have and check to ensure that they have the skill set you desire. This can be done by having a quick phone call to go over technical terms and industry knowledge. Or, you can assign a short skills assessment test that must be completed before they can be considered for the job. 

Check out past projects 

A great way to assess whether a consultant is a good fit is to take a look at their past projects. Past projects that are similar to your project can be a good indicator of relevant experience and a consultant with the know-how that you need. However, as with other considerations, you shouldn’t necessarily rule out candidates without applicable past projects — unless you are certain that this experience is critical to the successful competition of your project. 

Scroll through their website and content

While consultants don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a website to be considered competent, a modern website is a great sign. Professionals, even those without a large amount of tech knowledge, understand the value of a well-designed website and quality content. A beautiful website is one thing — but, what about the content on the website? Does the information indicate that the consultant is skilled in their field? Or is the messaging on the site inaccurate or outdated? If the latter is true, this might be a sign that the consultant hasn’t stayed current with industry knowledge, which may negatively impact your project. 

Make sure you verify payment options

Not all consultants take the same forms of payment, so this information needs to be verified early in the process. In addition to forms of payment (checks, debit/credit cards, wire transfers, PayPal, etc.), you should also find out what payment terms the consultant prefers. For example, your company may fill invoices every 30 days, while the consultant requires payment within 15 days of the receipt of the invoice. Any compromises here will need to be made before work begins. 

As the client, you should be prepared to pay a down payment (between 20%-50%) to secure the contractor’s time and commitment. From there, the remainder of the invoice can generally be paid out when the project is complete or per the contract.


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Hiring an external expert consultant can be a quick and easy process, or, it may take you a few days or weeks to nail down the right person. When it comes to outsourcing talent, it’s important to give yourself enough time to select and hire the ideal candidate. The best way to do this is to anticipate your project’s start date and begin your search at least a few weeks in advance. This should give you time to select and hire your consultant well before the start date for a smooth transition into project commencement. 

Finding an external consultant requires time and effort, but, by using a few basic tips and tricks, you can begin your journey to landing the perfect match.

In 2010, MI5, the United Kingdom’s domestic counterintelligence agency, made a grave mistake due to a simple spreadsheet formatting error. This blunder resulted in the wrongful surveillance of 134 individuals unrelated to ongoing investigations. On top of this, MI5 also collected the histories of 927 IP addresses without the required senior officer authorization. These mistakes wasted valuable resources and compromised the privacy of those involved. While this incident may sound like a far-fetched spy movie plot, it highlights the ongoing risks of manual data handling in critical operations.


The Spreadsheet Error That Led to Wrongful Surveillance

The error occurred during a data entry process where MI5 agents listed phone numbers for surveillance. Unfortunately, a formatting mistake in the Excel spreadsheet caused the last three digits of the phone numbers to be replaced with “000,” leading the agency to tap the wrong phone lines​.

As a result, MI5 unknowingly collected irrelevant data on unsuspecting British citizens. Although the error was discovered and the material destroyed, the incident is a chilling reminder of the consequences that can stem from even minor spreadsheet errors. However, it’s important to note that these errors were entirely preventable with the suitable systems in place, offering a sense of empowerment to organizations that can learn from MI5’s experience.


The Broader Risks of Manual Data Entry

The MI5 surveillance mistake is just one example of how spreadsheet errors can have significant implications, and it’s far from an isolated incident. In previous Spreadsheet Horrors blog posts, we’ve covered TransAlta’s $24 Million Copy-Paste Error and JPMorgan’s $6 Billion Trading Loss, both of which stemmed from errors in Excel spreadsheets. These examples from the finance and energy sectors further underscore how human data entry errors can spiral into severe operational failures​.

The risks of manual data entry are not just financial. For organizations like MI5, these errors can threaten national security and compromise public trust. Manual handling of large datasets—phone numbers, financial data, or operational details—carries a high risk of human error, especially when using spreadsheets that lack built-in safeguards.


Why Spreadsheets Are a Weak Link

Spreadsheets, while versatile, are prone to errors that can have devastating effects. MI5’s error is a classic case of how even a tiny mistake can lead to large-scale consequences. Spreadsheets cannot detect such errors in real-time, especially when the managed data is complex or critical.


Unauthorized Collection of IP Data

In addition to the phone number mistake, MI5 also acquired data on 927 IP addresses without the necessary approval from a senior officer. This unauthorized data collection resulted from a system configuration error that bypassed the established protocol requiring clearance from higher-ranking officials. Although this data request was deemed appropriate, the lack of proper authorization exposed MI5 to operational and legal risks.

These errors underscore the vulnerabilities of manual data management in high-stakes environments. Without proper safeguards, even well-established processes can go awry.

How ProsperSpark Can Help Your Company Prevent Similar Errors

At ProsperSpark, we specialize in helping organizations avoid costly data management mistakes like the ones MI5 experienced. By automating manual processes and implementing robust error detection systems, we enable businesses to handle sensitive data more efficiently and securely.

Automated Validation Rules

One of the critical ways ProsperSpark can help is by implementing automated validation rules. These rules ensure data is correctly formatted and verified before being used in critical operations. For example, in MI5’s case, validation rules could have checked the phone numbers for proper formatting before entering the system, catching the “000” error early. This type of automation drastically reduces the risk of human error in data entry, especially in scenarios where even minor mistakes can have significant consequences.

 Data Auditing and Logging Systems

At ProsperSpark, we also provide data auditing and logging solutions that track all changes made to sensitive datasets. By maintaining an audit trail, organizations can quickly identify and rectify errors. In MI5’s case, this would have allowed the agency to detect the phone number formatting issue and the unauthorized IP data collection before the errors impacted their operations. Data auditing ensures every action is logged and traceable, safeguarding against accidental errors and unauthorized changes.

Automated Workflows for Authorization

To prevent issues like MI5’s unauthorized IP data collection, ProsperSpark configures automated workflows that require the correct authorization at every stage of data handling. These workflows ensure that no action can be completed without the appropriate approval, reducing the risk of bypassing critical security protocols. For organizations dealing with sensitive information, having an automated authorization system is essential for maintaining compliance and avoiding potential legal repercussions.

Tailored Solutions for Data Management

Whether you’re handling sensitive data in intelligence, finance, healthcare, or any other industry, ProsperSpark can help implement tailored data management solutions designed to fit your organization’s specific needs. We provide customized automation solutions that eliminate the reliance on manual spreadsheets, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall operational efficiency.



MI5’s 2010 spreadsheet errors are a stark reminder of the risks associated with manual data entry, especially in sensitive operations. Organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of such mistakes by implementing automated validation, data auditing, and authorization systems. ProsperSpark specializes in helping businesses transition from error-prone manual processes to secure, automated systems that ensure data accuracy and compliance.


Don’t let a simple formatting error compromise your operations. Contact ProsperSpark today to learn how we can help you safeguard your data with tailored automation solutions.


Keep Reading

MI5 responsible for 1000 bugging errors in 2010 says Guardian

MI5 makes 1,061 bugging errors

EuSPRIG Horror Stories

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